Saturday, 25 April 2020

Is 'following the science' just an excuse? And who really 'saved the NHS?'

SHOULD we listen to wise men? Or wise people indeed? And who are the wise people anyway? What is SAGE, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies? (well, you can see the link below).
Much is being made today (by me too) of the fact that a senior Government advisor and another spad attended meeting(s) of SAGE. And, we are told, took an active part in discussions. And, we are told, reported back to the PM and Cabinet.
Now before we go on we need to be clear what SAGE's role is. It is NOT to make policy. It is to examine, with the benefit of scientific and technical knowledge, the nature and implications of an emergency and report back to Government at whatever levels seems appropriate but usually Cabinet.
Their deliberations are confidential (for frankly obvious reasons) and the membership changes to suit the mergency. They are not intended to be influenced by politicians or political expediency but to deliver a scientific assessment with recommended actions and anticipated outcomes. I know this since SAGE had a role in some of he gas and oil industry emergencies with which I had sme involvement.

SO what is wrong with Dominic Cummings attending?
Well for a start he is who he is – an avowed anarchist with an agenda to cause disruption. But worse his very presence would have affected the process. After all, he is known to have (for unfathomable reasons) the ear of the PM. But if he took part as well how can we know how he influenced the outcomes? And if he did what price the mantra “we follow the science”?
And why did he report back himself when that was the job of SAGE? What influence did his political version have against the science?
It is scandalous no matter what gloss the PM and his cronies put on it, that the very basis for scientifics decision, may have been tainted at source by one of the PM's advisors. That will not do. And if it has resulted in deaths then Dominic Cummings must stand beside his leader and take the fall in due course.

TALKING of deaths, I am sure I am not alone in being appalled at the vast thousands of deaths that have occurred in care homes and whatever the euphemism 'the community' stands for.
That it was happening in the way that it has did not occur to anyone whatever they may now claim. For I am certain that everyone in this country believed as I, my family and friends believed. That when someone became sufficiently ill they called 111. And if they were bad enough they went into hospital.
But now we know this is not what happened. For reasons which I am sure will be inquired into old people (not unlike me) who were in care homes (unlike me) were left to die without the benefit of hospital, ITU or ventilators.
Now I have had pneumonia three times. Once I was 'blued and two-ed' across the Pembrokshire hills to Carmarthen Hospital with my organs failing as I failed to oxygenate. On two other occasions I lay gasping for air in ITU. I was not ventilated which would have been a mercy since it involves a powerful sedation.
Instead I lay gasping for air and in total terror that each breath might be my last. It was not the way to go. Not at all.
Yet this is what our failure to take these old people into hospital consigned them to. And in the eye of their carers who were helpless and without the hand of their loved ones to calm them.

And when the time comes for the reckoning I sincerely hope that Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Dominic Raab and most of all DOMINIC CUMMINGS is there to take the fall. Along with the heads of every bank or finance house which caused austerity which caused austerity and robbed us of our emergency back up.
The fact is that WE did not save the NHS. The people who did that were the thousands who lay dying in care homes and their carers who together paid a huge price to keep our ITUs working.

More on SAGE here:

(TOMORROW I shall ask why we never used the Nightingale Hospitals properly so that the NHS could get back to saving the rest of our lives.)

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