Tuesday 23 August 2022

If you wonder what is happening right now, read on....

CURRENTLY I am watching a brilliant piece of television that I had missed. How sad. It screened while we were in France last June.

But the drama it depicts is being played out right now, right here in our once beloved Britain. Again.
For what it shows is the aftermath of one of the greatest betrayals of the working man ever perpetrated in this country.
It covers the events of the miners strike. When the Government fomented a strike, choosing the miners as their target, for the express purpose of reducing union power and upgrading the role of the free market economy.
This they did. They needed a war and they mobilised two strands of weaponry – a trained anti-riot force in the Metropolitan Police and an undercover police force to spy those they did not like or trust – the SDS I believe it was called.
They also helped to create a new miners unions composed of strike breakers prepared to scab – under the protection of the heavily equipped Met police – necessary strangers (southerners) in a foreign (midland) land.
And they kind of won their war, our world changed and the unions lost ground along with us, the workers. The repercussions within the shattered communities continued for years and do so now. This is the premise of Sherwood and you should watch – the link is below.
However, I just want to draw attention to current events. The assault on various unions and all workers. The attack on ordinary peoples living standards. The weaponising of all forms of tolerance and liberalism. The steady erosion of democratic rights. They are even targeting the law and a possible last defence of ordinary people, lawyers.
The transfer of wealth and affluence to fewer and fewer people. The steady division made between the British and their one time friends in Europe.
And finally the existence right now of one of the most dogmatic, essentially amoral and at times truly evil Tory Government.
Go on, say I am a dreamer...
Here's the link; it is brilliantly cast, brilliantly acted and superbly directed:

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