Friday, 18 June 2021

Genocide or very nearly?

It is hard to see a Government under the command of a buffoon like Boris Johnson with henchmen of the level of incompetence of Matt Hancock and co guilty of anything quite so calculated and cruel as Genocide. But it seems to me that had some of the things that have happened in the past year or so been committed by the likes of, say Radovan Karadzic or Col Gaddafi that might have been the charge.

And while incompetence is not a defence it is not even available as a mitigation to an arch member of the band of brigands currently in charge. I refer of course to the apparently lovable Mr Rishi Sunak, a billionaire who hides most of his undoubtedly ill-gotten gains in the name of his wife.

So, and first, to the substance of my suggestion, reserving my pummelling of Mr Sunak to later.

We now know with absolute clarity (they have been telling us how 'clear' they are for months) that releasing Covid 19 patients from hospital back into the care homes was the cause of countless fatalities.

We also know now that no one was in any doubt at the time that they would transmit the disease within the care home to other residents and the staff.

We also know that the Government was aware that the availability of PPE was at best limited and at times entirely absent.

Thus it is that the decision to send patients back to their care home when sick was taken in full knowledge of the facts. Of course the actual moment of decision was well removed from those actually in charge.

But it is Matt Hancock and his boss Boris Johnson whom I accuse of knowingly consigning thousands of people to an unnecessary death. Given the victims all fall into one specific demographic unit and are among the most expensive users of Government services I suggest the charge should be GENOCIDE.

And so to Mr Sunak, who you will recall was appointed by the Prime Minister (oh how that sticks in the craw!) to the second highest political office in the land – Chancellor of the Exchequer.

It is now well known that his department – he indeed? – ordered that the fact that furlough support was after all available to those needing to isolate and so remove themselves from work should be hidden from the public.

We also know that anyone suffering from Covid19 has the ability to infect others, who may well be more vulnerable and thus die.

So anyone who, for economic reasons, could not remove themselves from the workplace will have infected others around them. If they, or these unintended victims are alive they now know that they could have taken time out to isolate and still maintained their home, family and life.

That they did not is the direct responsibility of the Treasury Office and the buck thus stops with billionaire Rishi Sunak.

I suggest he should be charged, along with his boss as accessory, with the death of a further countless number of innocent victims. And again I suggest that, since the decision was taken for fiscal reasons, the charge should be GENOCIDE.


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