Thursday 23 February 2012

How to lose £800 million by paying it to yourself....

If I have got this straight it works like this: the Royal Bank of Scotland has lost over £800million this year. But if it were not paying its staff a bonus of over £800million it would be able to break even. I think that's it. So Herr Hester demonstrates that he puts bonuses above balance sheet. He determines to reward his RBS colleagues for maintaining their unblemished record for losing money. He does not give a fig for his shareholders, especially as they are us, the taxpayers (who also pick up the bill for the bank's Grecian adventure).
If cutting their bonuses and their pay actually would send these bankers packing it would be a very good thing. I am sure there are plenty of us out here who would like a shot at running a bank instead of ruining it.
You couldn't make it up. And nobody, especially dodgy Dave and goofy George do anything about it. Would the last person to leave this sceptic isle feel their way to the light switch and turn it to off. Thank you.

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