Monday, 15 June 2020

So many IFS and BUTS that now nobody pays any attention

THIS idiot Government has already trashed all the rules that were getting the covid-19 crisis under control. And if they get the spike they appear to want the economy will not just tank; it will crumble to dust.
It started with Cominic Scummings of course. He literally drove a Range Rover, wife and child through the rules. Twice.
Then they came up with the 'six may meet' rule which has opened the doors to all sorts of garden parties and gatherings. There's part of one in our communal garden right now. Spaced about 3-4 feet apart and sharing food etc.
Then came the space bubble idea. Choose a family and you can bond with them. IF you are alone. IF you are not shielding. But only one. And you can stay over - but one night only.
And now the shops are re-opening and there has already been a scrum in Oxford Street - outside Nike! Are we mad? Well it sure looks like it. What with 6,000 people at Raves in Manchester on top of protesters rubbing shoulders across the nations.

My career involved being part of an emergency planning team and one of the key issues was Keep It Simple Stupid. KISS went on to become a clarion call in management training too.
I can recall a psychologist adviser, skilled in public communications, who said something like: "You cannot afford even one IF unless you want to confuse your audience. So no IFS. And definitely no BUTS!"

Everything this incredibly inept Cabinet has done so far has been based on ifs and buts. And now no one seems to be listening. Which is what my professional opinion expected.

My sundered family has been planning a get together (six feet apart) this weekend. We shall for the first time in 12 weeks be in the company of BOTH daughters and their partners. Youngest daughter lives close enough for us to have met a couple of times; eldest way too far away.

But the care and attention we have been showing to this meeting is not justified by the care shown by our PM and his bunch of cronies.
Youngest daughter decided her garden(s) - they have three distinct areas - was not big enough to accommodate three groups all safely two metres apart. So we are off to the park opposite her home!
Food will be controlled; no sharing. Images of activities if shared will be by smartphone. Hugs and kisses are of course utterly banned. Indeed as yet we have not been given our time slot for passing through the gate into the park. I expect it imminently.
I expects a lot less from our PM and his shower.

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