Monday, 12 October 2015

What price this government eh?

So Cameron shows his caring side does he? Forgive me while I subside in hysterical laughter. And worse he talks like a man with a mandate from the people. Lets get this straight, what he won at the election was just enough seats to form a government without help.
What he did not win was any kind of majority. Indeed, more people - many more - voted for anything BUT the Tories than for his bunch. 
What we do know is that over on the other side remarkably similar allegedly centrist sub-Tory polices failed to win the required electoral majority and have since failed to win any kind of support. Instead, tens of thousands of voters have flocked to support a left-wing leader for the 'New' Labour party. That of course is not the Blair New but something very different. And these people put their money where their mouth is and JOINED the Labour Party in number which exceed the paltry membership of the Conservative and Unionist Charade.
So what now? Well the first things is both sad and good. We have fixed term parliaments (not actually a good thing given our electoral system) but it does mean that there is time for the Labour Party to re-new itself with a new focus on fairness across society. And the time to elect and settle in a very new kind of leader. 
Corbyn, for me, has a brilliant opportunity to re-shape the currently miserable excuse for a Labour Party that was bequeathed to us by the charlatan Blair. I am left by nature although maybe more a mixed economy man than Jeremy. Even so I see more hope for the people of Britain in his vision than in anything Cameron/Osborne can brew up.
We can hope that a new, Fairer Society party based on socialist principles within a modern European framework can be forged. I hope that in the process the deadwood of Blair's acolytes in the house can be cleared away or re-educated. For sure they need to get real, given the changed world they are inhabiting.
In due course can we hope for a new leadership team. more attuned with what we need to stem the tide of neo-Con that threatens ordinary lives? I think so. And from that cane we see that the new Corbyn-world will throw up a new, young leader to fight the next election and suit the next decade? Surely we can.
So, this has to be the last throw for the older brigade - me and Jezza then!  Even if the younger element that the Tories ushered in with the current crop of Etonian scum may not look very enticing the fact is that we need the 30/40-somethings of today to become the statespeople of tomorrow.
And so too, don't listen to the media - corrupt to a body and I should know! They will forever use their power without responsibility to bend the world to the vibes of their even more corrupt masters. Corbyn and his like threaten their very existence - never forget that the media types of today are NOT in any way the media types of the 60s and 70s. Murdoch and his men have seen to that. Hacked off? They should be.

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